WRITERS BLOG - Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 - So, as I was saying, we were worried about whether or not our bags made the short connection. No. No they did not. We watched bags spin on the carousel until there were none.  We reported our plight to Aer Linguis. They took our information and gave us a claim number and said your bags will be flown in tonite (Wed) and we will bring them to your hotel. 

Ah, no. That did not happen. We called back, oh let’s say five or six times, got the same guy in India who gave us the same spiel ad nauseam. The last we spoke with Mr. India he said he’d call back in 30 minutes... we were still waiting to hear when we woke up at 6. 

Oh wait, we forgot to tell you what happened at dinner last nite! We went to this quaint little place up on Wicklow Street called Cornucopia. We ordered our food, found a nice little table for three, and one of us went to get filtered water to drink. On the return, the water bearer, being neither nimble or quick, did not see the gigantic step in her path. Woosh! Water here, water there, and water all over, and I mean completely saturated all over, one of the bagless travelers who had nary a change of clothes to replace her sopping wet wear! Meanwhile, the water bearing klutz was trying to pull herself up off the floor. The third traveler ran to help but was laughing so hard she had tears running down her legs! Soon the young proprietor came running with genuine concern helping the water bearer to her feet, bringing towels to wipe down the bagless traveler, the table, and the floor. The water bearer, having regained normal, age appropriate composure, disappeared to the lieu. The patrons in the restaurant were left speechless! Never knew eating Vegan could be so much fun! A memory not soon forgotten!

One Lass awoke early, and lay awake wondering about the bags. Flipping through the American Airlines app she found tracking numbers for each bag. So, once we were fed and watered, we decided to go back to the airport to see if we could speak to someone who actually could and would help us find our bags. So far everyone was passing the buck and we were getting conflicting stories. American said both bags arrived in London and were handed over to British Airways. British Airways said since we were rebooked on Aer Lingus, to check with them. Then we discovered that one bag may have never left Dallas. We had visions of them opening the cargo bay and removing a bag to get the part inside, and then forgetting to put the bag back in. We were terminal velocity at this point. Well, one of us was. So one of the other lasses said, “let me do the talking” 🤣🤣🤣

We found a gem of an agent at Aer Lingus. She accepted the challenge. Evidently, this happens quite often, she said. So we left it in her capable hands and grabbed a taxi back to city center to buy essentials and some necessary clothing. Not exactly the kind of shopping we had envisioned. “Save your receipts” she said! “Aer Lingus will reimburse you!”

Our day on Henry Street and lunch at Beshoff’s was awesome! Late in the afternoon, our personal Aer Lingus agent called and said she had located both bags in London. She happily reported at least one bag would arrive at 7pm and they would bring it to the hotel.

Happy to have some good news for a change, we wandered off to see Dublin Fire Deparment, located right next door. One of their officers, Patrick, gave us a really nice tour! Then we went back to wait for luggage that, you guessed it, never came.