“His word is the Baggywrinkle that keeps my sails from chaffing” ~ Jules Ellis Burke




For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed writing stories. They usually evolve out of something I’ve experienced or from some imaginary ‘character’ running around the pages of my mind, telling true tales of history as if they had lived them. I’m often as surprised as the reader when the their true nature is revealed. I am also very visual, so photos, graphics, art, and other eye-popping illustrations are a necessary companion to give the reader a sense of direction and provide the catalyst for their own imaginations.

My life is full and rich, and blessed beyond measure. My daughter is my best friend, my grandchildren are my treasures, and I have a son-in-law I am blessed to call my son. I have a beautiful family rich in diversity and full of blood kin, in-law kin, step-kin, Ex-kin, friend-kin, and no-kin, but they are my kin and I’m going to keep them.

I am just as content reading or writing a book as I am harvesting old weathered lumber and crafting something from scratch with only the blueprint in my mind. Likewise, repurposing old furniture into a new found promise gives me joy.

I tend to be a bit of a klutz, a bit over zealous when wrangling a project, or just walking through a room, and I have the scars to prove it. I can be very passionate, or is that opinionated? I often get those two confused when I forget to put the ‘c-o-m’ in front of ‘p-a-s-s-i-o-n-a-t-e’. I am tenacious to a fault sometimes, and sometimes my faults are tenacious. Just give me a minute to regroup and I’ll get back on track.

I have a deep faith and abiding love for Jesus my Savior. He has rescued me and He has saved me, even though I am a rust bucket of trouble and I’m sure I wear my guardian Angels down to the nub. But, “Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!” Habakkuk 3:17-18.

I love to travel for missions or fun, to seek adventure, share my faith, and make new friends in some far corner of the world, or in my own back yard, or on some blank piece of paper that beckons my pen to reveal who I might be with, and where I am going.

Truth be told, I’m not always the sharpest pencil in the box, but I do like to leave my mark here and there. So, if you’d like to hang out with me, grab a cup of coffee or tea and stop by my Baggywrinkle.


Mission Trip to Kenya | April 2012

I have had the blessing of participating in missions along the way, starting when I was a teenager with our church youth group to Mexico, later as a young adult attending a cross-cultural induction weekend in Mexico, & then helping to build an orphanage in Mexico. In 2012, I was part of a two week mission trip to share the Jesus Film in Kenya; leading worship & documenting events on film.

FIRE INVESTIGATION - Officer’s Wives Club; Okinawa, Japan c1996

Fire Investigation | Officer’s Wives Club; Okinawa, Japan c1996

I spent 20 plus years as a servant of the people, riding firetrucks, fighting fires, and tending to the ill and injured. You meet people on the worst day of their life and the opportunity to minister God’s grace in action, words, and deeds is unmeasurable.

My career carried me from the desert, to the sea, and across the vast Pacific ocean to Japan. There were ups and downs, successes and failures. There were firsts (first Technical Services Chief for CNFJ Fire & Emergency Services, Japan; first civilian Federal female fire chief in the Pacific Rim, Japan; first training officer for Combat Center Fire Department) and there were lasts (retired way to early). The greatest accomplishment by far were the people I met and the friends (friend-kins) I made along the way. No regrets. I retired in 2005 while serving as Regional Fire Chief for U. S Army Garrison, Japan.

“Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” John 15:13
