Julie Thixton February 21st, 2019


So, the other day I ended up in the emergency room, for the second time in two days, and the fourth time inside two weeks seeking medical intervention for the same miserable back problem that had now left me writhing on the bed, unable to move, and shivering in pain. What’s worse, I had lunch coming along with my “once in a great while” allotment of a small coca cola classic.

Did I mention I had to be taken by ambulance? Did I mention they had to pick me up with the sheet that was under me to get me on the gurney? Did I mention I was writhing in pain? Those poor Medics. Nothing worse than trying to wrangle a former medically trained firefighter that is barking fundamental orders from a pain-induced delirium. They were patient, kind, and truthful. When they were getting ready to pick me up, Medic #1 said, “Ma’am, this is going to hurt, but we’ll be quick.” It did, and they were.

It was my first time ever in the box (ambulance) as a patient. Plenty of rides on the other side of someone’s bad day, but never on my own bad day. I felt like Job (Job from the Bible, not job, like job application) after the fourth messenger came trotting in with more bad news (Job 1:18-19). Paraphrasing here, “your kids, all of them, were eating, and the wind came and busted down every wall and now they are dead.” Okay, maybe my four “woes” weren’t as bad as Job’s, but it felt like it.

Oh no, this is not the end of my pity party. I had to tinkle but couldn’t walk (someone needs to design a better bedpan. Just sayin…), had to have an X-ray (the third set in five days), but couldn’t lie flat, needed something for the pain, but highly resistant to narcotics. They finally found something to work. I think they had to dig through the lost and found. After all was said and done, tests, X-rays, a CT scan, the doctor came in and said, “You’re not going to be happy with me. I can’t find anything. No lumps, no bumps, and no breaks.” How about an MRI? “We don’t have a tech for that on weekends.” O. M. Gosh!

But here’s the point to my story. Here is the grace of God in my misery. When I was wheeled out to get my X-ray, my friend who was there with me, found a little angel charm on the floor under where the bed had been. While I was lying on the X-ray table bemoaning my circumstances, God was quietly revealing His presence. When I was “returned to quarters,” (what the fire captain says when the firetruck is back in the fire station), my friend handed it to me. “Oh, my gosh,” I said. “God is telling me He’s here!” Well duh. Where else would He be. I put the Angel in my pocket and knew He had my back. Literally.

Why do we doubt His presence in the midst of our trials, pain, and despair? “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance.”(Psalm 42:5).Our hope is in the Lord. Find the blessing in every trial, for it is there. Wait, and He will reveal His presence.

We yearn for God in our distress, let us yearn for Him always.

© Baggywrinkle 2019